The Blue CSCS card courses

July 25, 2022

The Blue CSCS Card Courses. Which One Is The Best Choice For You?

The award, certificate or diploma for a Blue CSCS card?

It’s normal to get lost among the high number of courses we offer in Wataha. That’s why we offer a piece of free advice on how to pick the most suitable course for your profession. ⁠

In what trade are you currently working?

What’s your current working experience? This is the starting point of the career direction you can go. If you have a minimum of one year of experience as i.e. carpenter you can apply for a Blue CSCS card in Wood Occupations.⁠ ⁠

What’s the highest paid option for you?

Consider the most prominent job offer. Are you qualified enough for that? It’s not a surprise that a dry liner operative gets better wages than a decorator. Make some research in the industry and check the best option for you.⁠ ⁠

In what trade would you like to develop your skills?

Are you currently working in some profession but you’re not happy with it? Find the place that will give you opportunities to grow and learn, don’t be stuck in the place that takes advantage of you. And the most important do what you like to do.

In Wataha we cover the qualifications in the majority of the professions in construction. The total number exceeds 40 qualifications for Levels 2 – 7 and sometimes with over 10 different pathways within each of them.⁠

⁠Contact us and we help you to choose the best option for you.⁠